Friday, February 26, 2010

Being Alfred Pennyworth

Oh boy. I'll tell you what, it's been a week of hectic chaos. Well, when is chaos NOT hectic? Any-who, family stuff has taken up most of the time but also brainstorming. Maybe it was because my Muse knew I wouldn't have time to focus on fully drafting a large story, but she blasted me with a half dozen new ideas.

Because of this, I spent a lot of time outlining these brainstorms for a later writing session. I did manage to complete the first draft of a flash fiction piece. It's a mixture of real-life nurse situations I've heard at my work, a hospital.

It's very awful right now. I don't know if it'll shape up into something that readers would like. I will say, though, it was a lot of fun to write and helped put into perspective a lot of things.

Most writers have to work at something other than writing to pay the bills. A good many of those hate their jobs. Or worse, are blase about it. My job is something that I like to do, and am really good at. I don't like many of the office politics or the red tape, but I love working for an organization that is driven by the need to save people. And me, a geeky writer by night, can be the Alfred Pennyworth to Batman in my day job.

So, it's not a shabby deal and one I'm proud to do while my Muse is resting for the next writing session.

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