Thursday, January 28, 2010

Book Review: The Loch

Dropping by CVS to pick up some crackers...okay, okay. It was chips. I was heading in for chips. Moving on...Running in I naturally passed by their little book area. The 3 face-front rows stared at me, and I stared back. I felt that instinct kick in. There was something here. Some visual clue that was triggering my subconscious.

And then, BAM! I spotted it. The Loch by Steve Alten.
I was not disappointed, for the most part. The story was an interesting and fantastic take on the Lochness monster myth. Alten used the basic theories and legends, but weaved them in with modern flawed characters and a well developed plot.

There was a bit of...fat...that dragged out the story at points. Once I got the feel of his writing style I could spot those parts and skip without remorse. I really, really loved his characters. It is a strength that I, as a writer, can't help but envy. Envy in a good way. It gives me insight into the "right way" and urges me to strive for that quality.

What I also liked was the little vignettes in between chapters. They were small enough not to distract and tied to the theme so well they added another layer of realism and connection.

Good job to Steve Alten on a great book. I will be on the lookout for other works of his.

Good writing all!

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