Sunday, January 17, 2010

Point of View

A story concept has smacked you square in the face and you're excited to get started. You've laid out the idea in summary and/or outline form and have started your research. Now you have to decide what point of view it should be in.

There are four (arguably) points of view: first person, third person omniscient, third person limited omniscient, and third person objective. Each point of view has strength and weaknesses depending on the story.

First Person: The narrator is one of the characters. They cannot see what the other characters are thinking and feeling. Their interpretation is subjective.

Third Person Omniscient: Narrator is not a character in the story. They can see what they are all thinking and feeling and can interpret what they see.

Third Person Limited Omniscient: The most popular of the omniscient approach, this tactic ties the narrator to one character in the story. The narrator can see what that character is thinking and feeling and still interpret those aspects.

Third Person Objective: The narrator remains detached from the characters all together, only writing the action and dialogue. The narrator is only a spectator recording the story. Cannot see what characters thinking and feeling beyond the character's external actions/reactions. how do you figure out which POV to use? Well, I don't know how you should. I'm a newbie here, but I can list out how I decide what POV to use and you can see if it works for you.

Okey, dokey. I sit back and close my eyes to visualize my story. What view am I getting?

A) Is it like a television show where I see everything?

Yes: Do I see it sporadically from different character perspectives?

Yes: Do I feel detached from the characters?

Yes: POV is Third person objective

No: POV is Third person omniscient

No: Move to B

B) Is it like I’m walking through it?

Yes: Do I see it sporadically from different character perspectives?

Yes: Do I feel detached from the characters?

Yes: POV Third person objective

No: POV Third person omniscient

No: Do I see it from one character’s perspective?

Yes: Am I emotionally objective to the actions/plot?

Yes: POV Third person limited

No: First person

And that's how I figure out my POV.

Good writing all!


  1. Once again you help me see something. I am a HUGE 1st person. Which isn't always the best way to go.
