Saturday, July 10, 2010

Give it a Rest

Sometimes your thoughts just get jumbled, your candle burns too far on both ends, or the chaos has become too....well, chaotic.

I've been going full steam on the Sci-Fi epic, heavy projects at work, vacation preparations, and summertime. Needless to say, it hit me Thursday night. I finished writing to my goal, turned off my laptop, and laid on the couch drained.

After work yesterday, I decided to set writing aside and let my brain reset. I helped hubby at the store with the final vacation preparations. Came home and watched superhero movies with my little sons. Then, I headed to bed early.

Waking up this morning I was rejuvenated and ready to start writing again...of course, it might also be the fact that I'm off work for the next week. I'm super excited to have a week where all I have to worry about it hanging with the family and writing.

Family, beach, paper, and pen...that's the life!

Good writing all! (And remember, give it a rest sometimes.)

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